PuriMagTM WCX富集试剂盒(基于弱阳离子交换色谱法)是为在 MALDI-TOF 质谱分析之前基于离子交换相互作用从生物样品中富集蛋白质和肽而开发的。
PuriMagTM WCX:10 mg/ml×1ml,存储于 20%乙醇溶液中。 产品应小心储存和处理,以避免污染。
产品在常温下运输。我们建议到货后将试剂盒存放在 2 - 8°C 环境中。请勿冷冻!
WCX 缓冲液
Binding buffer (BB): 0.05 M Ammonium Acetate (AmAc), pH 4;
Washing buffer (WB): water (HPLC grade);
Elution buffer (EB):1% TFA in water;
1. 将磁珠在涡旋装置上充分混合 1 分钟。
2. 将10 μl BB 和 20-40 μl 的WCX 磁珠转移到标准薄壁 PCR 管中,并上下吹打混合。
10 μL BB
20-40 μL Beads
3. 向溶液中加入5μl血清,上下移液5次,充分混合。
5 μL Sample
4. 孵育 5 分钟。
5 Min
5. 将试管放入磁力架上,将磁珠收集在试管壁上1分钟。上清液应澄清。
1 Min
6. 使用移液管小心移除上清液。避免吸头与磁珠接触,并注意不要取出磁珠。
7. 向试管中加入100μl的WB。
100 μL WB
8. 在磁力架中来回移动管子十次,注意磁珠的运动。
9. 将磁珠收集在管壁上 1 分钟。
10. 使用移液管小心地去除上清液。
11. 重复步骤 7-10 两次。
12. 加入5μl的EB,通过上下集中移液10次来分散管壁上的磁珠。
5 μL EB
13. 将磁珠收集在管壁上 2 分钟。
2 Min
14. 将透明的上清液转移到新鲜的试管中。
15. 继续执行如下所述的适当MALDI-TOF靶标制备方案或适当方法储存样品。
1. Li, Z., Chen, J., Xu, B. et al. Correlation between small-cell lung cancer serum protein/peptides determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and chemotherapy efficacy. Clin Proteom 21, 35 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12014-024-09483-8
2. Li Liu, Hailing Liu, Kaili Zhu, Lingyu Zhang, Xiaomei Yin, Lin Han, Miaomiao Wang, Shanfeng Gao, Xuan Xiao, Juan Yang, Chen Huang, Yanping Huang, Proteome analysis reveals novel serum biomarkers for Henoch-Schönlein purpura in Chinese children, Journal of Proteomics, Volume 276, 2023, 104841, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2023.104841.
3. Zhiying Hu, Man Zhang, Yaping Tian, Screening and analysis of small molecular peptides in urine of gestational diabetes mellitus, Clinica Chimica Acta, Volume 502, 2020, Pages 174-182, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cca.2019.12.024.
4. L. Liu, J. Song, J. Li, N. Huang, J. Yang, S. Hu, R. Ma, W. Wang, Isoform 1 of Fibrinogen Alpha Chain Precursor is a Potential Biomarker for Steroid-Induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Prot. Clin. Appl. 2020, 14, 1900099. https://doi.org/10.1002/prca.201900099
5. Zhu, Ning, Xing, Xiaoliang, Cao, Limei, Zhang, Yingjun, Zhang, Ti, Li, Zhen, Zou, Fen, Li, Qing, Study on the Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer by Magnetic Beads Extraction and Mass Spectrometry, BioMed Research International, 2020, 2743060, 8 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2743060
6. S. Zhang, Z. Zhao, W. Duan, Z. li, Z. Nan, H. Du, M. Wang, J. Yang, C. Huang, The Influence of Blood Collection Tubes in Biomarkers’ Screening by Mass Spectrometry. Prot. Clin. Appl. 2020, 14, 1900113. https://doi.org/10.1002/prca.201900113
7. Han Z, Wen L. Development and validation of a decision tree classification model for the essential hypertension based on serum protein biomarkers. Ann Transl Med. 2022 Sep;10(18):970. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-3901. PMID: 36267793; PMCID: PMC9577809.